El Monte Union Approves ESSER III Plan, Focuses on Student Wellness
The El Monte Union High School District Board of Trustees has approved the use of additional one-time funds totaling $22 million, provided through the Elementary Secondary Emergency Relief Plan (ESSER III), to place a greater focus on the academic, emotional and mental health needs of students and staff. The District surveyed students, staff and parents on their thoughts regarding learning loss and highest priority needs. El Monte Union has put together a plan of action for how to allocate these funds, which will support students by providing expanded learning opportunities with afterschool tutoring and Saturday Academy, as well as a continued three-year summer school program.
The El Monte Union High School District Board of Trustees has approved the use of additional one-time funds totaling $22 million, provided through the Elementary Secondary Emergency Relief Plan (ESSER III), to place a greater focus on the academic, emotional and mental health needs of students and staff. El Monte Union received a series of ESSER Grants, which provided additional funding to support students who have been affected by COVID-19 and school closures. The District surveyed students, staff and parents on their thoughts regarding learning loss and highest priority needs.
El Monte Union High School District to Hold Public Hearing
The EMUHSD Board of Trustees will hold a final public hearing to consider, select and adopt a final trustee area map. The public is invited to participate and provide input regarding the remaining draft maps. Draft maps will be displayed in the Board room prior to the public hearing and can also be viewed online on the District Formation Process website https://emuhsd-by-area-trustees.com/maps/
Participate in-person or virtually:
The El Monte Union High School District Board of Trustees has approved a new round of funding to support a number of facilities improvements at every El Monte Union campus. The modernization program ensures high schools across the District are attractive, safe, in good repair, and support the latest technology. The campus improvements are funded by two voter-supported facilities bonds: the $148 million Measure D, approved in 2008, and the $190 million Measure HS, approved in 2018.
El Monte High School to Host Free Flu Shot Clinic
El Monte Union will host a free walk-up and drive-thru flu shot clinic Saturday, Oct. 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at El Monte High School, 3048 Tyler Ave., El Monte. The clinic is open to everyone 3 years of age and older. All recipients will receive a free gift while supplies last. For more information, visit activehealthyinformed.org or call 213-428-1495.
After only four years of teaching, Mountain View High School instructor John Mann has been named the 2021-22 Teacher of the Year by El Monte Union High School District. Mann’s enthusiasm, dedication and innovation have inspired students in the school’s VISTA Academy to go on to careers in digital communications. One of his achievements has been to provide seniors with access to professional-grade RED cameras and training with industry professionals, as well as access to a full-service production facility and working backlot, where they partner with Mountain View’s drama program to direct and film their own short movies.
El Monte Union Celebrates Mountain View’s 50th Anniversary
El Monte Union students, families and alumni displayed their ‘Viking Pride’ during Mountain View High School’s 50th anniversary celebration on Oct. 15, which brought the community together for an evening of activities and student performances that highlighted the school’s enduring culture of collaboration, inspiration, and achievement. Guy Richard, a member of Mountain View’s first graduating class in 1974, helped to set a tone of gratitude and celebration, reflecting on his Mountain View experience as one that provided a stepping stone to college and career and empowered him to fulfill his dreams.
El Monte Union Unveils 3 Draft Trustee Area Maps, Seeks Public Input
El Monte Union High School District unveiled three initial draft trustee area maps – NDC Green Map, NDC Purple Map and NDC Yellow Map – as it moves forward with shifting from at-large elections to by-trustee area elections. Five school-site community open houses are scheduled for the public to provide input on how the trustee areas are divided. Information will be the same at each session. All meetings will provide in-person or virtual access at www.emuhsd.org/-virtualhearing. For a complete listing of all community meetings and locations visit emuhsd-by-area-trustees.com. Open houses are scheduled 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 27, Mountain View High School, 2900 Parkway Dr., El Monte; and 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28, El Monte High School, 3048 Tyler Ave., El Monte.
The El Monte Union High School District is inviting the public to provide input on draft maps developed as part of the school district formation process. The District is transitioning from at-large elections to by-trustee area elections to comply with the California Voting Rights Act. Beginning in November 2022, residents will vote for a single Board of Trustees candidate residing in their newly drawn trustee area, comprised of one-fifth of the entire school district. Draft maps are on display at emuhsd-by-area-trustees.com. They will be officially unveiled during a public hearing on Wednesday, Oct. 6. The maps were created by a demographer hired to assist the District in establishing by-trustee area maps according to state and federal legal criteria.
El Monte Union to Hold Public Hearing on Board Election Process
El Monte Union High School District will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 6, as part of the transition to a by-trustee election system. The public hearing will invite public comments and input regarding initial draft trustee area maps and plans drawn by the District’s demographer. The draft maps are on display at the District Office and at https://emuhsd-by-area-trustees.com/maps The hearing will take place in-person at the El Monte Union Board Room located at 3537 Johnson Ave., El Monte and can also be viewed virtually at https://www.emuhsd.org/boardlive.