Fontana Unified Students to Graduate from Kaiser Internship Program
Fontana Unified School District students have spent the last five weeks networking and exploring potential careers in healthcare through the Kaiser Permanente Internship Program at the Fontana Medical Center. Thirty-seven A.B. Miller High School Health Services Academy seniors, who interned at Kaiser Permanente’s Fontana Medical Center in February and March, will receive a certificate of completion and letter of recommendation during a graduation ceremony at 3 p.m. on Monday, March 27 at the Kaiser Fontana Medical Center, 9961 Sierra Ave., Fontana.
Fontana Unified School District students have spent the last five weeks networking and exploring potential careers in healthcare through the Kaiser Permanente Internship Program at the Fontana Medical Center. Thirty-seven A.B. Miller High School Health Services Academy (HSA) seniors, who interned at Kaiser Permanente’s Fontana Medical Center in February and March, will receive a certificate of completion and letter of recommendation during a graduation ceremony at 3 p.m. on Monday, March 27 the Kaiser Fontana Medical Center. The Kaiser Permanente Internship Program serves as a capstone course for A.B. Miller’s HSA, a three-year career technical education (CTE) pathway that introduces students to a wide range of medical careers. The HSA first began in 2005 and launched internships in 2006. This internship program returned this year following a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Students in Fontana High School’s Career Connections career technical education (CTE) pathway will put their design and construction skills to the test during the 38th annual Construction Industry Education Foundation (CIEF) Design Build Competition. Design Build challenges students to design, plan, and construct a 96 square-foot structure that meets a set of criteria established under the advisement of industry professionals. Students also have the opportunity to network with industry professionals, earn scholarships and apprenticeships, and more.
Fontana High School honored 162 students who have qualified to receive the State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), an honor that recognizes students’ proficiency in bilingualism and biliteracy. To receive the SSB, marked by a gold seal on a graduate’s diploma and notation on their transcript, students must meet requirements outlined in the California Education Code that demonstrate high levels of achievement in speaking, reading, and writing in both English and one or more partner languages. The number of SSB-eligible Fontana High students is expected to increase before the end of the year.
80 Fontana Unified Varsity Athletic Teams Achieve 3.0 GPA or Higher
Eighty varsity athletic teams across Fontana Unified’s five comprehensive high schools have earned a team GPA of 3.0 or higher, demonstrating the commitment to excellence that Fontana Unified student-athletes demonstrate in the classroom and on the field. All 20 of Summit High School’s athletic teams earned team GPAs of 3.0 or higher for the second consecutive year.
Fontana Unified Students to Showcase Creativity in IB Art Exhibition
Students in Jurupa Hills High School’s International Baccalaureate (IB) program will showcase their creative talents in a variety of media during the school’s annual IB Art Exhibition, to be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, April 7, at 8657 Sierra Ave., Fontana. Student artwork will be for sale at the exhibit, which is held in partnership with the Fontana Foundation of Hope.
Fontana Unified Students to Showcase Carpentry Skills in Design Build
Fontana High School’s Career Connections students will put their design and construction skills to the test during the 38th annual Construction Industry Education Foundation Design Build Competition, to be held Wednesday, March 22 and Thursday, March 23. Design Build challenges students to design, plan, and construct a 96 square-foot structure that meets a set of criteria established under the advisement of industry professionals. In the 2022 competition, with only five months of carpentry construction to guide them, the FOHI team outpaced more experienced teams with twice the number of builders and finished in second place. The competition will be held in Lot D at Golden West College, 15744 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach.
Miki R. Inbody returned to Fontana Unified School District – which she attended as a student, and where she in turn served the next generation of students as an educator and administrator – on March 13 to begin her tenure as the District’s new superintendent. Inbody, an alumna of Fontana High School, also served as a teacher, principal and administrator for Fontana Unified. She returns to her hometown and home district as the top administrator after a few years as the Assistant Superintendent of Education Support Services at the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools.
The bright lights of the theater are beckoning for 20 Fontana Unified elementary school students looking to sing and dance their way into the hearts of their classmates and community, as they prepare for their stage debut as cast members in “School of Rock,” a musical adaptation of the 2003 box office smash, to be held March 17 to 19 at the storied California Theater in San Bernardino. Canyon Crest and Dorothy Grant elementary school students have been rehearsing for weeks with A.B. Miller High School multimedia design and drama teacher Joseph Henson, who is serving as producer and director of the play. The students are being choreographed and coached by professionals and will perform alongside professional actors. In an exclusive arrangement, more than 1,200 of the District’s elementary school students will be able to see the show, made possible through a partnership between the career technical education (CTE) and visual and performing arts (VAPA) departments, which will pay for tickets and transportation to the event.

Fontana Unified Elementary Students to Appear in ‘School of Rock’
Students from Canyon Crest and Dorothy Grant elementary schools will make their professional stage debut when they appear in “School of Rock: The Musical,” to be held Friday, March 17 at 8 p.m.; Saturday March 18 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; and Sunday, March 19 at 2 p.m. at the California Theater of the Performing Arts. The students will sing and dance alongside professional actors and musicians as part of a collaboration between the District’s career technical education and visual and performing arts departments. The musical is directed by A.B. Miller High School multimedia design and drama teacher Joseph Henson. The California Theater is located at 562 W. 4th St., San Bernardino. Tickets can be purchased at