
Whittier Union High School District

  • Whittier Union Senior Honored with Award of Merit for Leadership, Wellness Support

    La Serna High School senior Felipe Galvan is a natural leader known for building strong relationships with both students and staff alike while continually looking for ways to improve outcomes for his classmates, either as a member of La Serna’s Puente Program, as an English language development (ELD) and Link Crew mentor, or as president of the school’s Wellness Club. Galvan has a passion for promoting social-emotional well-being for his classmates and has brought awareness to mental health by serving as an organizer and fundraiser for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. Galvan, who boasts a 4.26 GPA and has completed 11 Advanced Placement and eight Honors classes, was recently recognized by the Whittier Union Board of Trustees with an Award of Merit, during the Jan. 14 Board meeting.

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  • Whittier Union Students Spread Holiday Cheer, STEM Inspiration through Annual Tradition

    Students from Whittier High School’s Cardinal Academy of Technology (CAT) continued a cherished end-of-year tradition when they made their annual holiday visit to Lydia Jackson College Prep Academy to spread holiday cheer on Dec. 6, delighting dozens of Lydia Jackson second grade students. The holiday visit has been a tradition for the two schools for 20 years, with Whittier High juniors enrolled in the CAT program bearing gifts, telling stories, and singing songs to the elementary students, while also inspiring the students to consider pursuing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects as they progress through school.

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  • Whittier Union Freshmen Take Deep Dive Via Mobile Museum Virtual Ocean Experience

    La Serna High School freshman biology students took their first steps as marine biologists, with a deep dive through the San Pedro Channel and observing the Pacific Ocean ecosystem, through a unique, immersive multimedia experience brought to campus by the Natural History Museum’s (NHM) “An Ocean Experience” Mobile Museum program. Inside the mobile museum, meticulously transformed into the submersible DSV Sea Nettle to simulate a deep-sea expedition, students received a closer look at underwater species, including squids, sea turtles, sharks, shellfish, and myriad other obscure yet vital organisms that live in the ocean. Led by NHM educator Augie VanDeVeer, who posed as captain of the DSV Sea Nettle, the submersible set off in search of an “anomaly” – in this case, a blue whale carcass lying at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean – and discussed its ecological impact and the efficient way that ocean species use organic biodegradation to keep its ecosystem thriving and robust.

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Pioneer High Senior Headed to Cornell University to Advocate for Civil Rights, Healthy Living

Follow-up Story: Pioneer High School senior Sabrina Hawthorne has been accepted to Cornell University, an Ivy League research university in New York where she will study industrial and labor relations, paving the way for her to become a civil rights lawyer. Hawthorne, who has a 4.2 GPA, is the first in her family to attend college and credits her mother for instilling in her the inspiration to believe in herself. She also credits the Pioneer High staff for their support in the classroom and securing financial aid. Hawthorne is captain of both the varsity swim and varsity water polo teams and a member of the volleyball team. She is also in the Pioneer High Leos Club and is founder and president of the Good Eats Health Club and Science Club.