Whittier Union Auto Shop Program Keeps Students Engaged Interactively
Whittier Union’s California High School auto shop teacher Bill Buttinelli has found a creative approach to keeping students engaged in class, even though the course relies heavily on hands-on training. Buttinelli uses video to provide students with demonstrations of the tasks and subjects they are covering. After Zoom class is completed, he re-records the tasks with a higher-quality camera that shows more details and a closer view of the work being performed. Additionally, Buttinelli created a YouTube channel that is available for his automotive students and is specifically designed to reinforce the tasks students would have performed in-person.
Whittier Union’s Whittier High and Frontier High School students are benefiting from Spirit Awakening, an after-school program that helps students build confidence and raise self-awareness, using creative writing, visual arts, mentorship, service and leadership training. Its facilitating artists and teaching assistants connect with students through empathy and authenticity. The after-school program has adapted to COVID-19 restrictions by replacing in-person lessons with Zoom conferences three days a week. From 20 to 50 Whittier High and five to 10 Frontier High students participate. Click HERE for more information about the program.
Whittier Union High School Hosts Virtual Weekly Announcements
La Serna High School’s Associate Student Body (ASB) has found a way to keep its school community connected and informed by releasing weekly YouTube videos, known as La Serna’s Friday Announcements. With the guidance of ASB Teacher Jenna George, students come together weekly via Zoom after extensive planning, collaboration and work completed outside of class to film the weekly announcements. The video announcements highlight upcoming events, elections and fundraisers, and also include a “Flashback Friday” portion, which highlights an event that took place last school year.
Whittier Union High School District Class of 2020 graduates who overcame adversity to become campus leaders and enroll in college or trade school received $11,500 in combined scholarships from the Whittier Host Lions Club and the Credit Union of Southern California, which celebrated the 23 awardees during socially distanced ceremonies at their homes and schools. The scholarships – worth $500 each – are given to graduating seniors who demonstrate distinguished commitment, determination and unselfish service to others while balancing schoolwork with personal challenges to ensure a successful path toward college and career.
Whittier Union High School District has launched a Social/Emotional Collaborative to develop class lessons, tools and videos to support students, staff and parents who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to ease their transition to the 2020-21 school year. The Collaborative – consisting of Student Well-Being liaisons, District counselors, school psychologists and licensed clinical social workers – has developed resources to address a plethora of issues confronting students and families: the effects of trauma on student learning, time management strategies, practicing mindfulness, the benefits of taking breaks from social media, coping strategies, and the benefits of gratitude. Student Well-Being liaisons hosted a virtual parent presentation, “Helping Your Teen Thrive During the Pandemic,” in English and in Spanish Sept. 10 via Zoom.
Pioneer High School has welcomed a new bronze icon on campus – Titania – whose uplifting presence completes a spirited triumvirate on the school’s center quad that includes the Titan Torch and Titan sculpture. Both iconic bronze sculptures – which serve as a source of pride and inspiration to students and staff –were designed and created by Pioneer resource teacher John O’Brien.
Whittier Union launched the 2020-21 school year on Aug. 12, welcoming 10,500 new and returning scholars virtually and providing support to students and families as they transition to the remote learning instructional model – which has seen nearly 100% of students actively participating. District leaders have spent the last several months developing an extensive four-phase strategic learning plan to educate students in a virtual learning environment, providing teachers, staff, parents and students with the trainings, tools and resources to ensure a successful start to the school year.
Río Hondo College leaders on Aug. 14 emphasized the need to show care and compassion to students struggling with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic while delivering online instruction in fall 2020-21. The message was the core focus of FLEX Day, an annual training program held the day before classes began for fall semester. Faculty and staff leaders praised College employees for their swift and effective shift to distance instruction in spring 2020 but said the new year will require a redoubled focus on the needs of students.
Whittier Union to Begin 2020-21 with 100% Distance Learning
Whittier Union High School District will begin the 2020-21 school year with a 100% distance learning schedule, converting the fall semester into a quarter system in which students will take three online classes in each of two nine-week periods starting Wednesday, Aug. 12. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the 3x9 instructional model and launching the school year in Stage 1 of the District’s four-stage reopening plan during a July 28 virtual board meeting.
Whitter Union Wellness Collaborative Supports Students, Families, Staff
Whittier Union High School District has created a Social/Emotional Collaborative team to develop class lessons, tools and videos to support students, staff and parents who have experienced stress, difficulties and trauma due to the COVID-19 pandemic and help ease their transition to the 2020-21 school year. The social/emotional supports address a plethora of issues confronting students and families, including the effects of trauma on student learning, time management strategies, practicing mindfulness, the benefits of taking breaks from social media, coping strategies and the benefits of optimism, gratitude and resilience.