Whittier Union High School District will benefit from $13.7 million in relief funds, presented by Congresswoman Linda Sánchez during a July 8 distribution event at Pioneer High School. The financial relief stems from the American Rescue Plan, which allotted funding for public education through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds. The funds, supported by Congresswoman Sánchez, will help ensure the District’s recovery out of the pandemic. The financial relief stems from the American Rescue Plan, which allotted funding for public education through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds. The plan, supported by Congresswoman Sánchez, will help ensure the District’s recovery out of the pandemic.
Baldwin Park High School Boys Soccer Team to be Recognized by City
The Baldwin Park High School boys varsity soccer team will be recognized by the City of Baldwin Park during its regular city council meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday, July 7. The Baldwin Park Unified soccer team won the CIF Southern Section Division V Championship in May – the school’s first title since 2014.
Whittier Union Hosts Food Giveaway During Drive-Thru Event
Whittier Union High School District, in partnership with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, Supervisor Janice Hahn and the City of Santa Fe Springs, will host a food giveaway during a drive-thru distribution event from 9 a.m. to noon, Wednesday, July 7. The event will take place at Santa Fe High School, 10400 Orr and Day Rd., Santa Fe Springs. The event is strictly drive-thru, no walk-ups will be allowed. Face coverings are required, and line formation will begin at 8:30 a.m.
Whittier Union to Return to Full-Time Instruction for 2021-22 School Year
Whittier Union High School District will return to full-time, in-person instruction for the 2021-22 school year, which begins Thursday, Aug. 12. All students have been automatically enrolled for in-person learning, which consists of six-hour days, five days a week. Families who are not yet ready to return full-time have the option to enroll in the District’s Independent Study Program.
Whittier Union Offers Curbside Meal Distribution During Summer Months
Whittier Union’s Food and Nutrition Services Department will offer curbside meal distribution for its community through Thursday, July 15. Meals are available Mondays to Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for those 18 years of age and under. On Thursdays, Whittier Union will distribute bulk meals that include four breakfast and four lunch meals. Meals are available at all five of the District’s comprehensive high schools.
Nearly 2,800 Whittier Union High School District students made their way across the graduation stage during in-person graduation ceremonies held June 1-3, marking their milestone achievement through an unprecedented school year with emotional speeches, musical performances and tears of joy. The socially distanced ceremonies looked vastly different than years past, but provided a sense of normalcy to students, families and staff. Students maintained their distance from each other as they were escorted onto the field and seated six feet apart. Families remained socially distanced in the stands through fixed seating, implemented to ensure compliance with county and state regulations.
When Whittier High School senior Isabel Luna joined the school’s Chess Club, she was looking to challenge herself and connect with her peers in a way that went beyond Zoom conferencing. At first intimidated by what she perceived was a male-dominated sport, Luna learned that chess can be mastered with patience and dedication. Quarantining at home, Luna discovered correspondence chess, which is typically played through the postal system or email. Through correspondence chess, Luna has sharpened her skills in the comfort of her home, gained new friends and exercised her brain. In the process, Luna has emerged as one of the top-ranked female correspondence chess players in the United States.
Santa Fe High School senior Madison Kelly will pursue her dream of studying aquatic mammals and ecosystems at UC San Diego – on her way to a career as a marine biologist – with the help of a $20,000 Destiny Scholarship, awarded annually by the City of Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce. Kelly – recognized as an exceptional graduating senior by the chamber – has completed six Advanced Placement classes, five Honors classes, is listed as one of Santa Fe’s Top 100 students and has competed on Santa Fe’s swim and water polo teams. Kelly is also a public programs docent for the Ocean Institute of Dana Point.
Whittier Union Students Receive COVID-19 Vaccine
In partnership with PIH Health Whittier Hospital, Whittier Union High School District held a vaccination clinic on May 18, providing the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine to students. Some students were taken to the clinic by their parents, while others received transportation from the District, which sent buses to pick them up at their school site. Whittier Union is looking to expand the partnership with PIH Health and continue to offer the vaccine for students who are interested in receiving it. Photos are available.
Whittier Union Celebrates Students, Classified and Certificated Employees
Whittier Union exemplary and retired employees, along with the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council, were celebrated for their hard work and commitment to the District on May 11. Six students and 35 employees were honored during the socially distanced event. Superintendent Martin Plourde and Board President Ralph Pacheco gave congratulatory speeches, recognizing the success of each individual.