Lynwood Unified’s Pathway High School unveiled three new bungalows and a basketball court during a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Nov. 1. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon joined community leaders, students, staff and parents to dedicate the new facilities. The school’s independent studies program provides an alternative to a traditional high school schedule.
Lynwood Unified has received a California School Boards Association Golden Bell Award for its Guided Planning program, where teachers from the same grade level meet to collaborate, network and share lesson plans that strengthen the District’s curriculum.
Lynwood Unified parents and guardians received curbside coffee, video tributes and were treated to student performances on Nov. 15 when the District celebrated National Parent Involvement Day. Schools across the District engaged parents with various activities and workshops that offered tips on involvement.
Lynwood Elementary School Hosts Families at STEM, College Prep Event
More than 100 Washington Elementary School families engaged in STEM and college prep workshops during a Noche de Ciencias event on Oct. 26 on Washington’s campus. California State University, Long Beach partnered with Washington on the event, which exposed students to fun activities like engineering bridges. Noche de Ciencias is a national program that promotes engagement in STEM among the Hispanic and other underrepresented communities.
Abbott Elementary School will launch its Turnaround Arts: California program with a showcase of a mural at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 18. Nearly 100 students and staff will “activate” exterior campus walls using a photobooth truck, black-and-white portraits and wheatpaste. Abbott was accepted this summer into the Turnaround Arts national program, which will provide teacher training, a regional coach to facilitate Abbott’s strategic arts plan and coordinated support for public arts events. Abbott is at 5260 Clark St., Lynwood.
The Lynwood Unified School District Board of Education has committed to better prepare students for higher education through college partnerships, improve community engagement by establishing a parent center at each school and increase access to technology for the 2018-19 school year. Board members defined their priorities as part of Lynwood’s Promise 2020 Vision during a retreat that kicked off the school year.
Lynwood Unified Parents Learn College Process at College Conference
Lynwood Unified parents received helpful advice about college requirements, deadlines and financial aid during Lynwood High School’s Parent College Conference on Sept. 29. The event was geared toward parents of seniors, providing tools for the college application process.
Lynwood Unified Parents Learn to Build Bridges to Children’s Success
Lynwood Unified will help parents build bridges for their child’s success during a Family Engagement Workshop Series. The sessions will help families define their role in the growth and success of students. The series, which launched Oct. 9, will conclude at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30 at Lugo Elementary School, 4345 Pendleton Ave., Lynwood.
Lynwood Unified’s College Fair Inspires Students to Succeed
Lynwood Unified alumni joined college representatives to inspire students to pursue their college and career dreams during the District’s annual Alumni College Conference on Sept. 22. Keynote speaker and alumnus Rene Lozano discussed emigrating from Mexico City and becoming the first person in his family to attend college. Workshop topics included the admission process, the first-year college experience, choosing a major and career, and financial aid.
Lynwood Unified School District will add a new all-electric school bus to its fleet this fall, reducing air pollution and cost while improving child safety. The new eLion Type C bus can travel 75 miles when fully charged. The bus is funded through a pair of grants totaling nearly $800,000 from the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the Hybrid and Zero Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Project.