WHITTIER, CA – The Whittier Union High School District is seeking input from community stakeholders to help with the ongoing development and revision of its Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), a three-year spending plan required under the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) that provides districts with flexibility on how to address the needs of students.

The District will hold its sixth LCAP Advisory Committee meeting, the second one of the 2014-15 school year at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 21 in the District board room, 9401 S. Painter Ave. The next meeting for this school year will be held on Wednesday, April 1.

“We are excited about the broad participation we have received in the development of our LCAP revision, and it is rewarding to see how appreciative our participants are to be a part of the inclusive and collaborative data-driven process,” Whittier Union High School District Superintendent Sandra Thorstenson said.

Whittier Union submitted its initial LCAP last year, and the document, which received extensive input from stakeholders, was used as a model by the Los Angeles County Office of Education.

As required by the state, all districts must revise the LCAP annually and have the revision approved by their respective Board of Trustees when they adopt their annual budgets. The LCAP Advisory Committee consists of students, parents, community members, teacher and classified employee association leadership and administrators.

This inclusive process will lead to assessing and expanding effective programs and services for Whittier Union students, particularly for English Learners, socio-economically disadvantaged students and foster youth.

For more information, visit www.wuhsd.org/lcff.