WHITTIER – To further strengthen community outreach and communication efforts among the school district community, the Whittier Union High School District has launched its official Facebook page, where it will distribute up-to-date news and information about its schools, activities and District initiatives.

The social media page is another method of disseminating important news to parents, staff, students and other key stakeholders from across the system, including student successes, school achievements, important events, news alerts and modernization projects.

“As more families and Whittier Union stakeholders use online sources to discover and explore what is happening in their community, it is important to utilize user-friendly platforms like Facebook to be transparent and communicate the unprecedented academic successes our schools and students are achieving on a daily basis,” Superintendent Sandra Thorstenson said. “There are so many great things happening across all of our schools, and we are excited to share the accomplishments of the students and staff, as well as other relevant District community information.”

Through Facebook, for example, followers can access a new superintendent search survey, read success stories about students like Santa Fe High senior Daisy Nahoul, who was awarded a full-ride scholarship to the University of Chicago, or learn about the rigorous professional development teachers engage in to prepare students under the new California Standards.

In addition to providing regular updates on Facebook, Whittier Union continues to deliver news and information via print newsletters, electronic newsletters, website updates and email news blasts.

The Whittier Union Facebook page is available at www.facebook.com/wuhsd.