Eastwood and Dulles elementary schools have been named California Gold Ribbon Schools for promoting high literacy standards, creating a culture that emphasizes positive behaviors and engaging parents as partners in their children’s education.

“Congratulations to Eastwood and Dulles for their recognition as model programs,” NLMUSD Superintendent Dr. Hasmik Danielian said. “Our schools place a high priority on literacy, enabling all students to have an opportunity to express themselves and communicate more effectively, preparing them for college and career.”

Eastwood Elementary has incorporated a Writer’s Workshop to supplement its literacy curriculum, holding reading forums and helping students to develop writing styles and publish their own work. Parent Education Nights and professional development for teachers further enhance the support each student receives.

“Our students love to write, and we are constantly seeking out new avenues of instruction to inspire their creative visions,” Eastwood Principal Yvette Cantu said. “We are building a community of writers who listen to each other, offer advice and confer with their teachers on a regular basis.”

Dulles Elementary, known for its aesthetic beauty and student-run garden, provides high quality instruction for all of its students through a multi-tiered system of interventions to improve student achievement. A positive and supportive school climate encourages literacy, while generous parent involvement creates a tight-knit community atmosphere.

“Dulles students have made our reading program successful through their enthusiasm for exploring new worlds,” Dulles Principal Robin Padget said. “Teachers and staff collaborate regularly to support specific individuals or coordinate effective group instruction. It has instilled a love and appreciation for literacy at Dulles that has resonated significantly with our students.”

The Gold Ribbon is California’s highest academic honor, created in 2015 as a substitute to the Distinguished School Program to honor schools for model programs during rollout of the new California Standards. The program honored middle and high schools last year. This year, it honors elementary schools.

“Dulles and Eastwood have earned the distinction of being named California Gold Ribbon schools through the hard work and dedication of their faculty and staff,” NLMUSD Board President Karen Morrison said. “Their model programs provide a template for success that is incorporated throughout the district.”