Lynwood – The Lynwood Unified School District has budgeted an additional $6.95 million in 2016-17 to expand band, dance and theater programs, provide teacher training on Common Core standards and offer more after-school and summer programs for students as part of its Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).

The plan, a requirement of the state’s school funding system, guides District efforts to improve student learning by setting goals for each year and strategies to achieve those goals. Many programs funded under the District’s LCAP target all students, while some funds specifically go to improve academic outcomes for the state’s three high-needs groups: economically disadvantaged students, foster children and English learners.

The Board of Education voted to approve the LCAP and its 2016-17 budget on June 28.

“The LCAP has enabled the District to fund priorities and necessary support systems identified through our strategic plan that we wouldn’t have been able to fund otherwise,” LUSD Superintendent Paul Gothold said. “Through these updates, we are able to focus on improvements made throughout the previous year and adjust our plans accordingly to give our students extra learning opportunities, highly trained teachers and expanded programs that will ensure they are college and career ready.”

The LCAP, which updates the District’s 2015-18 plan, expands services for all students, parents, teachers and staff, and aligns with the District’s mission to prepare all students for college and careers.

The District will expand band programs at Lynwood and Firebaugh high schools to cover additional band instructors, instruments, tutors, room improvements and furnishings, and maintenance and supplies, while also incorporating band instructors at the District’s three middle schools and Vista High School. The District will also extend the after-school Bridge Theatre program at Lynwood Unified’s elementary schools to include its three middle schools. Dance classes will be added for all fifth-graders.

Other highlights from the LCAP include the replacement of classroom floors and expansion of preschool and transitional kindergarten classrooms. With the transition to state-funded preschool programs in the fall, LCAP funds will cover the cost of students who do not qualify for state preschool coverage.

LCAP funding will cover professional development training for Lynwood Unified’s substitute teachers and expand workshops for five parent groups, which will allow more parents to attend other District conferences.

Additionally, the District will hire a counselor specific for Pathway and AdvancePath students.

“These funds will help the District continue the programs that have shown great success as well as add new programs that will help our students pursue their passions,” LUSD Board President Alma-Delia Renteria said. “It makes me so proud to see the extraordinary measures Lynwood Unified has in place to help students get college and career ready. The LCAP funding helps make these accomplishments possible.”

The District engaged the community throughout the LCAP process by sharing data, hosting stakeholder meetings, distributing surveys and posting information to the District website.