El Monte City School District Boosts State Dashboard Performance
EL MONTE – El Monte City School District’s Cleminson School saw growth in multiple areas on the California School Dashboard, a tool that gives parents, students and educators access to important school and district data.
Cleminson School students improved their performance on California’s English language arts (ELA) and mathematics tests, building on their strong performance in the previous school year. The school’s ELA scores increased 15.8 percentage points from 2017-18 while math scores increased 19.4 percentage points.
“These scores and placement show that all of our hard work, from both the teachers and students, has come to fruition,” Cleminson School Principal Carlos Salcedo said. “It’s extremely satisfying to see these improvements.”
Salcedo said the achievement stems from the school’s teachers, who have used their professional learning community to pinpoint the best ways to assist students.
Salcedo also said the school’s absenteeism and suspension rates have remained low thanks to the incentives it provides to bolster attendance and to the Leader in Me program, which establishes a friendly campus by teaching students about positive leadership skills.
The Dashboard evaluates districts, schools and student performance on a variety of items, including English learner progress, parent engagement and suspension rates. These measures are graded through five color-coded icons – blue, green, yellow, orange and red – to represent a school’s success on each state measure by averaging performance and growth. A blue icon indicates the highest performance, while red indicates poor performance.
Cleminson School’s recent improvements have pushed its ELA, math and suspension scores into the blue level, showcasing its improvements.
“We are very proud of Cleminson School for its amazing improvements on the state Dashboard,” Superintendent Dr. Maribel Garcia said. “Our District will continue to improve its in-class instruction and program offerings to ensure that all of our students are given the tools to succeed.”
EMCSD_CLEMINSON1: Cleminson School students recently improved their performance on California’s English language arts (ELA) and mathematics tests on the California School Dashboard, building on their strong performance from the previous school year.

El Monte City School District Boosts State Dashboard Performance
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- (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda/ VMA
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- Cleminson School students recently improved their performance on California’s English language arts (ELA) and mathematics tests on the California School Dashboard, building on their strong performance from the previous school year.
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