FONTANA – The Fontana Unified School District will gather input and comments from a wide range of sources and stakeholders within the school district community to help the Board of Education make its decision on selecting a new executive leader.

Members of the school community and District personnel are invited to participate in input meetings in October and November, with dates posted on the District website at

Community members can also submit written comments through an online survey available in English at through Friday, Nov. 18. The link will also be available on the Fontana Unified Facebook page at and on the District website.

Mr. Randal S. Bassett – the District’s Associate Superintendent of Business Services with nearly 20 years of management experience in Fontana Unified – and Dr. John Porter – a seasoned Superintendent with more than 30 years of experience in education – have served as Co-Interim Superintendents since June.

“Providing a forum for key stakeholders in our community to voice their valuable input will enable our Board to select a superintendent who will build on the District’s successes and continue to lead the organization on an upward trajectory,” Board President Ms. Lorena Corona said. “We look forward to hearing all perspectives and exploring what qualities our community wants in our next leader.”

To facilitate the search and selection process, the Board in September hired The Cosca Group, an educational consulting firm that provides comprehensive administrative searches and helps districts gauge what the community and board want in a new superintendent.

Dr. Porter and Mr. David Creswell, the District’s Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, will oversee the process and encourage input from various community groups over the next several months. Groups include internal stakeholders such as classified and certificated employees, principals and assistant principals and union groups; city officials; chamber of commerce; faith-based and nonprofit groups; and community, student and parent groups.

The Board is expected to hear a presentation and review a report on the feedback received at a board meeting in December. It will review applications and interview candidates in January, culminating its search with the possible selection of a new superintendent during a regular meeting in February 2017.