
El Monte Union High School District

  • El Monte Union to Celebrate Grand Opening of Family and Community Engagement Center

    El Monte Union High School District (EMUHSD) will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of its new Family and Community Engagement Center. Designed to serve as a central hub for Districtwide workshops and events—including the annual Posada in December—the facility will provide valuable resources and support services for families and the community. The center features a state-of-the-art meeting room with advanced technology, modern finishes, and an inviting exterior. Additional amenities include a conference space, kitchenette, and nursing room, offering a welcoming environment for collaboration and engagement.

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  • El Monte Union Basketball Teams Face Off in CIF Southern Section Championship

    Arroyo and Rosemead high schools’ boys’ basketball teams battled through a competitive, 32-team bracket to set up an all-El Monte Union High School District championship game in the CIF Southern Section (CIF-SS) Division 5A finale. It marked the third meeting of the season between the Mission Valley League (MVL) opponents, with both teams splitting the regular season series. In the end, Arroyo High won the hard-fought CIF-SS championship game by a final score of 50-38 in front of a packed crowd at Azusa Pacific University on Feb. 28. Students, families, and alumni from both schools filled the stands, creating an electric atmosphere as fans rallied behind the players throughout the night.

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  • El Monte Union Students Explore Career Pathways at “A Day With The Trades” Seminar

    El Monte Union High School District students explored a variety of career opportunities during “A Day With The Trades,” an informational seminar held on Feb. 20, which connected juniors and seniors with industry professionals who shared insights into high-demand careers that offer financial stability and job security without requiring a traditional four-year degree. Students engaged with industry experts at informational tables during the event at Fernando R. Ledesma High School, collecting materials and learning about apprenticeships, certifications, and specialized training in fields such as construction, electrical work, and automotive technology. By engaging directly with professionals, students were able to explore various career pathways and gain insights into the skills and training required for success.

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El Monte Union’s Class of 2024 Shines Bright During Seven Commencement Ceremonies

El Monte Union celebrated the accomplishments of its distinguished Class of 2024 with lively and emotional commencement ceremonies held on June 5, including ceremonies at Mountain View and Arroyo high schools that were staged in newly renovated state-of-the-art stadiums. The festivities began with an early morning commencement for the Granada Adult Transition Center and a late afternoon ceremony for Fernando R. Ledesma High School, followed by evening ceremonies for South El Monte, Rosemead, El Monte, Mountain View and Arroyo high schools. El Monte Union celebrated more than 1,000 graduates with choir performances, video recaps, fireworks, and the rousing cheers of family and friends.

El Monte Union Unveils New State-of-the-Art Stadium with Festive Ribbon-Cutting

The El Monte Union High School District (EMUHSD) celebrated a momentous occasion with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 30, marking the grand opening of Mountain View High School’s (MVHS) new state-of-the-art stadium, which includes a new rubberized track and field, modern bleachers, concession stands, restrooms, upgraded parking facilities, and an impressive grand entrance. Local dignitaries, school officials, students, alumni, and community members gathered to witness this milestone. The celebration featured student performances, honorary speeches, stadium tours, student-athlete drill demonstrations, and complimentary food and refreshments. Key speakers included MVHS Principal Jose Bañas, Associated Student Body (ASB) President and senior Jacqueline Medina, Superintendent Dr. Edward Zuniga, and Board President Ricardo Padilla, who highlighted the stadium's role in promoting healthy living, enhancing school spirit, and serving as a community hub.

El Monte High School Senior Pursues Career Goals, Receives Full-Ride to Georgetown University

Nathalie Trigo Lopez has overcome numerous obstacles during her four years at El Monte High School (EMHS), but she will soon embark on a new, academic journey in pursuit of her career goals after her hard work and determination earned her a full-ride scholarship to the prestigious Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Trigo Lopez came to the United States from Guadalajara, Mexico as a freshman in 2020 – at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic – without speaking any English. Since leaving her childhood home four years ago, she has not only mastered a new language but excelled academically, demonstrating a level of dedication and perseverance that has earned her a coveted spot at Georgetown.

El Monte Union to Celebrate Graduates with Commencement Ceremonies

El Monte Union High School District will host commencement ceremonies to honor its students from the District’s five comprehensive high schools, alternative high school, and transition center, with each graduation to be held on Wednesday, June 5. Granada Adult Transition Center will hold its graduation at 10 a.m. on its campus, 3513 Granada Ave., El Monte; Fernando R. Ledesma High School will hold an on-campus ceremony at 5 p.m., at 12347 Ramona Blvd., El Monte. The remaining schools will all host 7 p.m. ceremonies in their respective stadiums: South El Monte High School at 1001 Durfee Ave., South El Monte; El Monte High School at 3048 Tyler Ave., El Monte; Rosemead High School at 9063 Mission Dr., Rosemead; Arroyo High School at 4921 Cedar Ave., El Monte; and Mountain View High School at 2900 Parkway Dr., El Monte.

El Monte Union’s New Stadium Ignites School Spirit in Grand Opening Ceremony

Arroyo High School (AHS) welcomed more than 300 attendees to its ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 23, marking the grand opening of its long-awaited Stadium Project and showcasing El Monte Union High School District’s (EMUHSD) dedication to fostering healthy living and school spirit within the community. Students, parents, families, community members, administration, local dignitaries, and elected officials gathered at Arroyo High to celebrate the completion of a state-of-the-art facility featuring a high-performance rubberized track and field, new scoreboard and concession stands, revamped visitor bleachers, and a grand stadium entrance. The AHS Stadium will serve as a vibrant hub for physical fitness activities, athletic events, health and wellness instruction, student performances, and school community gatherings.

50 El Monte Union Seniors Receive Scholarships from Local Businesses

It was a night of celebration and recognition as 50 deserving El Monte Union seniors were honored with scholarships by the EKG Foundation, in partnership with C.B.M. Towing Inc., during a spirited senior scholarship banquet held on May 16. The EKG Foundation honors the enduring legacy of Edward-Kenneth F. Guerrero, an esteemed alumnus of Arroyo High School, whose profound impact on the El Monte community continues to resonate. The foundation’s merit-based scholarship program is offered to graduating seniors from diverse backgrounds who attend one of the six El Monte Union high schools. Each student received a $400 award.

El Monte High School Senior Receives Full-Ride to Georgetown

El Monte High School senior Nathalie Trigo Lopez is headed to Georgetown University in the fall after receiving a full-ride scholarship from the elite Washington, D.C. institution. Trigo Lopez came to the United States as a freshman in 2020 – at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic – without speaking any English. In the four years since she left her childhood home in Guadalajara, Mexico, Trigo Lopez has not only mastered a new language but excelled academically, demonstrating a level of dedication and perseverance that has earned her a coveted spot at Georgetown. Trigo Lopez plans to major in psychology—a field of study that has captured her interest for the last seven years.

El Monte Union to Celebrate Grand Opening of Mountain View High’s Stadium Project

The El Monte Union High School District (EMUHSD) will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of Mountain View High School’s (MVHS) Stadium, featuring a new rubberized track and field, bleachers, concession stands and restrooms, upgraded parking, and a grand stadium entrance. Local dignitaries, school officials, students, and community members will be present for the ceremony, which will include student performances, honorary speeches, and complimentary refreshments and food.

El Monte Union High Schools Receive High Rankings in 2024 ‘Best High Schools’ List by U.S. News & World Report

For the fourth consecutive year, five comprehensive high schools in the El Monte Union High School District have secured top spots in the 2024 Best High Schools rankings by U.S. News & World Report. Arroyo, El Monte, Mountain View, Rosemead, and South El Monte high schools each earned high rankings among 17,655 nationally ranked schools and 1,652 schools ranked in California. The recognition showcases El Monte Union’s commitment to excellence at the academic and social-emotional levels, and the rigorous programs and nurturing learning environments that helps prepare students for college and career success.

El Monte Union Students Secure Top Award, Monetary Prizes at National Competition

Five Mountain View High School juniors in the Viking Informational Systems Technology Academy (VISTA) clinched three awards, including the top honor, for their compelling public service announcement (PSA) at the National Streets Are Safe for Everyone Competition on May 4. VISTA’s award-winning PSA entitled “Dose of Reality” won not only the top spot in the Los Angeles County South region, but the entire National Streets Are Safe for Everyone competition. VISTA earned $1,250 to use for future projects, with five Mountain View students receiving $250 for their contributions to the PSA. VISTA students were recognized for their work on PSAs in other categories, including Script Originality and Creativity for "Heaven's Gate" and Post Special Effects/Graphics for "Drunk Driving Animation."