Fontana Unified School District
Fontana Unified Students Explore Careers in Healthcare Through Kaiser Permanente Internship Program
FONTANA, CA – Fontana Unified School District students have spent the last five weeks networking and exploring potential careers in healthcare through the Kaiser Permanente Internship Program at the Fontana Medical Center.
Thirty-seven A.B. Miller High School Health Services Academy (HSA) seniors, who interned at Kaiser Permanente’s Fontana Medical Center in February and March, will receive a certificate of completion and letter of recommendation during a graduation ceremony at 3 p.m. on Monday, March 27 the Kaiser Fontana Medical Center.
The Kaiser Permanente Internship Program serves as a capstone course for A.B. Miller’s HSA, a three-year career technical education (CTE) pathway that introduces students to a wide range of medical careers. The HSA first began in 2005 and launched internships in 2006. This internship program returned this year following a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are ecstatic we were able to bring this program back and make it happen for our Fontana Unified students. It was something that had been missing the last two years,” said Ami Sandler, A.B. Miller Health Services Academy Coordinator, Career Technical Education Site Liaison and Science Department Chair. “The District went above and beyond to make this happen and help any way they can. It has been an amazing experience.”
Students were divided into three-week sessions in February and March this year and were matched into one of 20 departments, including general surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, urology, dietary, linen and store room.
Each senior logged 24 clinical hours during their session, which began with an eight-hour shadow day and was followed by eight two-hour shifts, Monday through Thursday, for two weeks. Fontana Unified supplied bus transportation to the hospital for students every shift.
“We are so happy these opportunities are coming back again,” said Ryan Augustine, Fontana Unified Coordinator of Colleges, Careers, and Economic Development. “These work-based experiences are so valuable to our students. It really gives them a leg up when they’re applying for jobs, colleges, and looking to grow their careers.”
Daily tasks varied by department; students provided patient care, sterilized hospital equipment, escorted patients to and from recovery rooms, learned about X-rays and casting, and even observed surgical procedures during the program.
Students interested in gaining more experience in health services this year can apply for the Kaiser Permanente Summer Youth Employment Program, a paid internship that provides similar training.
A.B. Miller students are routinely accepted into the Summer Youth Employment Program, thanks to the relationships they have developed earlier in the year, Sandler said.
“This is an experience like none other; they’re setting themselves up for a lot of opportunities and opening up doors for themselves as 17 and 18-year-olds,” Sandler said. “There’s a good chance they may be coming back and working at Kaiser long-term, even after the summer internship program.”
FUSD_ABM_HSA: Thirty-seven Fontana Unified School District seniors have spent the last five weeks exploring potential careers in healthcare during the Kaiser Permanente Internship Program. Each student will receive a certificate of completion and letter of recommendation during a graduation ceremony at the Kaiser Fontana Medical Center on Monday, March 27.

Fontana Unified Students Explore Careers in Healthcare Through Kaiser Permanente Internship Program
Fontana Unified School District
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- FUSD_ABM_HSA: Thirty-seven Fontana Unified School District seniors have spent the last five weeks exploring potential careers in healthcare during the Kaiser Permanente Internship Program. Each student will receive a certificate of completion and letter of recommendation during a graduation ceremony at the Kaiser Fontana Medical Center on Monday, March 27.
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- BUSD_ASB2: San Dimas High School’s Associated Student Body threw a start-of-the-year event, “Starting Fresh,” to welcome students back to campus and give them time to become reacquainted with friends. The farmers market-themed event included food, games, activities and more.
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