El Monte Union High School District
El Monte Union to Host Ribbon-Cutting of South El Monte High’s Modernization Project
WHAT: The El Monte Union High School District (EMUHSD) will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of South El Monte High School’s (SEMHS) Modernization Project, which features renovations to the entire campus including redesigned landscaping and outdoor seating, upgraded classrooms, library, and administration building, and state-of-the-art technology.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony will feature speeches from SEMHS principal Dr. Jorge Morales, Associated Student Body President Gabriela Garcia, EMUHSD Superintendent Dr. Edward Zuniga, and Board of Trustees President Ricardo Padilla, and a taco celebration, with local dignitaries, school officials, students, and community members in attendance.
WHEN: 5 p.m., Thursday, September 26
WHERE: South El Monte High School
1001 Durfee Ave., South El Monte
DETAILS: The SEMHS Modernization Project, funded by Measure D and HS bonds along with District Deferred Maintenance Funds, is part of El Monte Union’s Districtwide facilities improvements. Approved by the EMUHSD Board of Trustees, the project will create flexible spaces designed to enhance college and career readiness for students.

El Monte Union to Host Ribbon-Cutting of South El Monte High’s Modernization Project
El Monte Union High School District
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