El Monte Union High School District
El Monte Union Awarded $9.8 Million to Promote Zero-emission Vehicles, Programs
EL MONTE – El Monte Union High School District is one of three school districts across the state to be awarded a combined $24 million to promote zero-emission transportation options for students, parents and staff as part of a two-year Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project program.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) awarded El Monte Union $9.8 million to kick off the pilot program, along with San Diego Unified ($9.75 million) and Stockton Unified ($4.8 million).
“These projects will set up the schools to address climate change, reduce air pollution and lead the next generation in learning about and using clean mobility options,” CARB Executive Officer Richard Corey said. “Congratulations to these first grant winners.”
The Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of cap-and-trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy and improving public health and the environment, particularly in disadvantaged communities.
One major goal of the project is to provide lessons learned and “how-to” guidance for school districts interested in implementing similar projects. CARB staff will use the lessons learned to develop a blueprint for success for school districts and other facilities.
Districts will pilot small- and large-scale long-term school initiatives. Smaller projects include curriculum to teach students how zero-emission vehicle technology works. Large-scale initiatives include developing vehicle-to-grid charging infrastructure and pathways to zero-net energy school districts.
“This grant will be transformative for El Monte Union, giving us the chance to generate research, compelling education and community outreach in support of our efforts to be a green district,” Superintendent Dr. Edward Zuniga said. “We plan to complete a menu of initiatives, including adding zero-emission buses to our fleet, electric maintenance vehicles and battery energy storage, and build awareness of our initiative among our entire community.”