Bassett Unified School District
Bassett Unified Students to Have Access to the World at their Fingertips, Low-Cost Internet
BASSETT, CA – Bassett Unified will provide technology devices to students in transitional kindergarten through grade 12 and connect Bassett families to low-cost home internet service as part of the District’s Digital Learning Initiative (DLI), a four-year rollout that starts in August.
“The ability to solve problems and improve the world is the most important issue facing students,” said Gabriel Rivera, Bassett Unified director of information and educational technology. “At Bassett Unified, we are addressing the need for every student to have access to the digital tools and information necessary to be ready for college and careers so students can solve the problems of the world.”
During the first year of the DLI rollout, third-, sixth- and 10th-graders will receive devices that can be used as either a laptop or tablet, using the Windows 10 operating system. By the 2022-23 school year, students in the following grade levels will have access to a technology device:
- Transitional kindergarten through grade two: Students will share devices in the classroom
- Grades three and four: Students will be assigned their own device but leave their devices at school
- Grade five: Students can either leave their device at school or take it home based on the discretion of their teacher
- Grades six through 12: Students will take their devices to home and from home.
Students will have access to older model mobile devices and their school’s computer lab during the implementation of the four-year Digital Learning Initiative plan.
The initiative, which will cost $350,000 annually, is listed as a priority in Bassett Unified’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The District will be able to spread device costs over a four-year cycle, replacing older machines with new models on a rolling basis. Bassett will also partner with the nonprofit to provide qualifying families with low-cost internet service and computers.
The DLI continues the District commitment to providing students access to relevant, modern technology for educational purposes. In 2017, Bassett Unified renovated its classrooms to accommodate state-of-the-art interactive flat-screen 80-inch displays and surround sound audio equipment.
In January, Bassett Unified’s three elementary schools, K-8 academy, middle school and two high schools were recognized as Common Sense Schools, after completing lessons on internet safety, privacy and security, relationships and communication, and information literacy.
“Our District is committed to providing our students access to technology that will allow them to learn inside and outside of the classroom,” Bassett Superintendent Debra French said, “I am excited to see how much further our students will go in their learning over the next four years once the Digital Learning Initiative is launched.”
070318_BASSETT_DLI1: Sunkist Elementary students use interactive math and reading computer programs that tailor to their individual learning needs. Students can continue their learning at home with access to a technology device.
070318_BASSETT_DLI2: Van Wig Elementary fourth-grade students are immersed in individualized instruction and computer programs focused on math to help students gain the skills needed to meet or exceed California Standards on state tests. Students can further their core subject learning at home through technology access.

Bassett Unified Students to Have Access to the World at their Fingertips, Low-Cost Internet
Bassett Unified School District
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