Baldwin Park Unified School District
Baldwin Park Unified Honors Class of 2023 with Stadium Ceremonies
BALDWIN PARK – Set to the backdrop of cheering families, Baldwin Park Unified School District celebrated more than 1,000 graduates in the Class of 2023 for their hard work and accomplishments during commencement ceremonies for the District’s adult school, continuation high school and two comprehensive high schools.
The Baldwin Park Adult and Community Education (BPACE) program kicked off the festivities on June 1 at the Baldwin Park Performing Arts Center, with more than 230 graduates receiving career technical education certificates, diplomas and high school equivalency certificates in front of families, friends, educators and administrators.
North Park Continuation High School recognized 126 graduating seniors during an intimate ceremony on June 7, featuring powerful student speeches and an emotional special presentation. During the ceremony, North Park graduates turned the focus from the Class of 2023 to the parents, mentors and guardians who helped them reach this milestone by bestowing beaded necklaces on those who supported them most.
Baldwin Park and Sierra Vista high schools followed with commencement ceremonies on June 8 in front of hundreds of supporters. BPHS honored 351 seniors and SVHS celebrated 381 seniors.
“When I look back at our journey and how we have persevered, when I look ahead at the institutions who will receive us, I see the magic in who we are,” BPHS salutatorian Longino Cornejo said. “We have achieved successes in spades because we Braves have heart. Yes, we all have our individual goals and dreams, but we share in the love for our families and a devotion to our school and community which is what has brought us thus far and will forever unite us as a class.”
Cornejo will attend the University of California, Los Angeles and Braves valedictorian Jayden Than will attend the University of Southern California. SVHS valedictorian William Shih will attend the University of California, Los Angeles and salutatorian Linn Oo will attend the University of California, Irvine.
82 graduates from BPHS and SVHS completed their K-12 academic journeys with valedictory honors, holding GPAs of 4.0 or higher. 31 seniors from both schools graduated with highest honors – a GPA of 3.8 to 3.99 – and 66 graduated with honors, holding GPAs of 3.5 to 3.79.
“We are exceptionally proud of the Class of 2023 for staying dedicated to their personal and professional goals, and pursuing their individual versions of success,” Superintendent Dr. Froilan N. Mendoza said. “I also want to thank our talented team of educators, administrators and staff for supporting BPUSD seniors in reaching this milestone.”
BPACE_GRAD_2023: More than 230 BPACE graduates celebrate their achievements during a commencement ceremony in front of hundreds of families, educators and District leaders on June 1.
BPHS_GRAD_2023: Baldwin Park High School Graduate Silence Jackson, who served as the 2022-23 BPHS student board member, walks alongside more than 350 graduates during a commencement ceremony on June 8.
NPCHS_GRAD_2023: More than 120 North Park seniors celebrate their graduation on June 7, featuring powerful student speeches and a special ceremony in which graduates thank their families.
SVHS_GRAD_2023: More than 380 Sierra Vista High School graduates celebrate their accomplishments during an electric graduation ceremony on June 8 in front of hundreds of families, educators and community leaders.

Baldwin Park Unified Honors Class of 2023 with Stadium Ceremonies
Baldwin Park Unified School District
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- NPCHS_GRAD_2023: More than 120 North Park seniors celebrate their graduation on June 7, featuring powerful student speeches and a special ceremony in which graduates thank their families.
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- BPACE_GRAD_2023: More than 230 BPACE graduates celebrate their achievements during a commencement ceremony in front of hundreds of families, educators and District leaders on June 1.
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- BPHS_GRAD_2023
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- BPHS_GRAD_2023: Baldwin Park High School Graduate Silence Jackson, who served as the 2022-23 BPHS student board member, walks alongside more than 350 graduates during a commencement ceremony on June 8.
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- SVHS_GRAD_2023
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- SVHS_GRAD_2023: More than 380 Sierra Vista High School graduates celebrate their accomplishments during an electric graduation ceremony on June 8 in front of hundreds of families, educators and community leaders.
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