Baldwin Park Unified School District
18 Baldwin Park Unified Schools Recognized for Positive Campus Culture
BALDWIN PARK – Eighteen Baldwin Park Unified Schools have been recognized with silver and bronze awards from the California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Coalition for encouraging safe and supportive learning environments.
Silver awards went to the following sites: Bursch, Central, De Anza, Elwin, Foster, Geddes, Margaret Heath, Kenmore, Pleasant View, Santa Fe, Tracy, Vineland and Walnut elementary schools; Holland and Olive middle schools; Jones and Sierra Vista junior high schools. Baldwin Park High School earned a bronze award.
This is the fifth year that PBIS strategies have been used at the District. PBIS creates strategies that define, teach and support appropriate student behaviors.
BPUSD schools established behavior statements and mottos that are displayed throughout the campus and are emphasized in the classroom and during assemblies. Following the PBIS framework, administrators and educators monitor student behavior, attendance and academic performance.
“We are so proud of the administrators and teachers who work to implement PBIS, and provide the support and intervention services that our students need,” Superintendent Dr. Froilan N. Mendoza said. “These awards demonstrate our commitment to PBIS and to fostering safe and positive learning environments.”
The schools were celebrated during the District’s Board of Education meeting on Sept. 24. Sites held individual assemblies to present the awards to students, teachers and staff.
PBIS_1: The California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Coalition presented 18 Baldwin Park Unified schools with silver and bronze awards for encouraging a safe and supportive learning environment through the PBIS framework.

18 Baldwin Park Unified Schools Recognized for Positive Campus Culture
Baldwin Park Unified School District
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- 2019_ALL_DISTRICT_PBIS_Award_Poster copy
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- PBIS_1: The California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Coalition presented 18 Baldwin Park Unified schools with silver and bronze awards for encouraging a safe and supportive learning environment through the PBIS framework.
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